Certification FAQs & Answers
What is Certification?
Certification is a process in which an independent third party, such as Alliance International Registrar, assesses an organization's management system through an audit. This audit involves comparing the organization's system against the requirements of the applicable standard.
If the organization meets the standard's requirements, Alliance International Registrar issues a certification. Once certified, the organization undergoes periodic Surveillance Audits to ensure ongoing compliance. Additionally, approximately every three years, a re-assessment audit is conducted to confirm that the management system remains effective and in place.
Is ISO 9001 Difficult to Implement?
The requirements of ISO 9001 are generic in nature and designed to apply to organizations of all types and sizes. The updates to the latest standard were made to:
- Reduce the number of standards
- Create a more logical structure
- Improve usability for service-sector organizations and small businesses
- Establish clear requirements for achieving customer satisfaction and continuous improvement
These changes make ISO 9001 more accessible and appealing, attracting new users from less traditional industries.
How much will it cost and how long will it take for Certification?
There is no exact answer to this question. The cost of certification depends on several factors, such as the size and complexity of your organization and whether your existing documents and procedures are up to date.
On average, the entire implementation process can take anywhere from 6 to 18 months. However, the costs of implementation are often recovered when the organization effectively uses the standard as intended—as a tool for continuous improvement and waste reduction.
What's the difference between ISO 9001 and ISO 14001?
ISO 9001 focuses on quality management, which involves what an organization does to enhance customer satisfaction by meeting both customer and regulatory requirements while continually improving its performance.
ISO 14001 focuses on environmental management, which refers to the organization's efforts to minimize the harmful effects of its activities on the environment while continually improving its environmental performance.
Do I need a consultant?
Consultants can serve various purposes. They can conduct a thorough, unbiased evaluation to assess the current state of your organization. Additionally, they can provide specialized expertise in new procedures, techniques, or approaches that may be unfamiliar to your organization—without being influenced by internal company politics.
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